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26/07/2025 - KT Annual BBQ

The annual KT BBQ will take place on Saturday 26th July 2025 in Fulford Village Hall and it is hoped that as many Knights and their families will attend so that we can all participate in the eating of crispy burgers and drinking warm beer. As ever if you are able to come please bring a raffle prize with you so that we can again raise funds which will be used by the Head of Knights Templar within Staffordshire and Shropshire for charitable causes.

10/12/2024 - Trafalgar Night

To all you swashbucklers, a night to remember at the Tamworth Masonic rooms. Polish your wooden leg, preen your parrot and clean your cutlass for a weevil free meal to remember.
For more details and to book contact Kerrion Marsh the Prov 1st Constable, kerrion.marsh1@gmail.com

Menu consisting of;
Cannon Balls - a trio of Melon Balls,
Breaking the Line - Smoked Salmon with Lemon and Capers,
Fleet Broadside - Beef Wellington with Port and Shallot Sauce,
Dessert Hamilton - Rasberry Creme Brulee,
Hardy's Finale - Cheese and Biscuits.
32.50 per person.
Grog can be purchased at the bar!


Privacy & Disclaimer The Provincial Priory of Staffordshire & Shropshire
3 York Avenue, Fulford, Stoke-on-Trent, ST11 9SB